Karen Dolorez is a textile and visual artist, resident of São Paulo / Sp, Brazil.
Her research consists of the idea of using the body as a place of protest, an object of expression and a metaphor for society. Different languages are used through textiles, where the body (parts of it or its interaction with its own works) dialogues, manifests itself and positions itself in the world before the transience of life, questioning social, political and ideological patterns.
In her research, the rescue of the weaver woman in history has great importance and influence, which is reflected in her works. An internal relationship is created where the role of women in contemporary art dialogues with the woman of history, both using the act of weaving as a form of expression.
The intention of her works is also to make the public interaction with her works provide reflective sensory experiences, through textures and touch itself.
Karen had works selected for Sesc Art Biennal, also has participated in several exhibitions, art festivals and had a project contemplated by PROAC/Brasil.